This video may not be available in some countries due to DuckTales Remastered music, so there's an alternate one without it. All of the music in the compilation has been extended to 15 minutes.
- 0:00:09 Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story - VS Dark Bowser
- 0:15:25 Super Smash Bros. Brawl - VS Tabuu
- 0:30:41 Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards - VS Zero 2
- 0:41:43 Kirby's Return to Dreamland - VS Magolor Soul
- 0:57:15 Okami - Rising Sun / VS Yami
- 1:13:10 Okamiden - Eclipse / VS Dark Chibiterasu
- 1:30:07 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 4 - VS Bittercold
- 1:44:36 DuckTales Remastered - VS Dracula Duck
- 2:00:30 Mario Sports Mix - VS Behemoth
- 2:16:02 Plants VS Zombies - VS Brainiac Maniac
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