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Age 29, Male

Sky Tower (ET Time Zone)

Joined on 4/8/14

Exp Points:
27,340 / 27,750
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Vote Power:
9.10 votes
Police Officer
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B/P Bonus:
1y 3m 1d

TheGamechanger's News

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

Battle Arena

Battle Dome Lobby

Battle Dome

Battle Dome Tournament

Battle Factory

Battle Frontier

Battle Pike

Battle Points Get!

Battle Palace

Battle Pyramid

Battle Pyramid Top

Battle Symbol Get!

Battle Tower

Match Call Registration

Rayquaza's Entrance

Lance Shiny Gold X Battle

Heavy Rainfall (Slower Variation)

Battle! Mew

Battle! Frontier Brain

Battle! Frontier Brain - GlitchxCity

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

Game Explaination (Part 1)

Game Explaination (Part 2)

Game Explaination (Part 3)


Mt. Moon


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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

Tense Competition!

Team Rocket Hideout

Teach TV Menu

Trainer Appears (Boy Version)

Sevii Islands

S.S. Anne

Silph Co.

Road to Viridian City - From Pallet Town

Road to Fuchsia City - From Lavender Town

Road to Cerulean City - From Mt. Moon

Vermilion City

Rival Appears

Prof. Oak

Pokemon Tower

Pokemon Mansion

Pokemon Gym

Pokemon Center

Pewter City

Pallet Town

Oak Research Institute

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

Opening Demo

Title Screen

Pokedex Evaulation

Pokemon Aquisition

Pokemon Captured

Pokemon Recovery

Pokemon Recovery (Unused)

Evolution Start

Pokemon Evolution

Evolution Congratulations

Viridian Forest

Bad Luck

Badge Get

Berry Get

Big Success!

Game Freak Logo

Forget Skill

Item Get 1

Item Get 2

Jigglypuff's Song

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

Encounter! Deoxys

Battle! Deoxys

Deoxys Battle Remix

Vs. Wild Pokemon

Battle! Legendary Pokemon

Battle! Mewtwo

Vs. Trainer

Vs. Gym Leader

Vs. Gym Leader Remix (Strength of a Gym Leader)

Vs. Champion

Vs. Champion [3DS Style]

Victory! Vs. Trainer

Victory! Vs. Wild Pokemon

Gym Leader Defeated

Lavender Town

Welcome to the World of Pokemon!




Pokemon Print

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

If I'm missing any songs, then tell me which ones I'm missing by sending me a PM

Part A

Part B

Part C

Part D

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 25th, 2015

Saffron City

Radio Let's All Sing!

Underground Path

Celadon City

Cycling Road

Mt. Moon (Clefairy Dance)

Staff Roll

The End

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 24th, 2015

Chat With Mom

Oak's Pokemon Talk

Route 29

Cherrygrove City

Cherrygrove City Tour

Chat With Professor Oak

Violet City

Ruins of Alph

Ruins of Alph (Inside)

Youngster Encounter

Lass Encounter

Fisherman/Sailor Encounter

Policeman Encounter

Medium/PokeManiac Encounter

Beauty Encounter

Ecruteak City

Bug Catching Contest Begins

Bug Catching Contest

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 24th, 2015

Victory Road

Rival Encounter

Route 32

Trainer Defeated

Gym Leader Defeated

Wild Pokemon Defeated

Title Screen


Welcome To The World of Pokemon

New Champion

Route 30

Pokemon Gym

Sage Encounter

Bellsprout Tower

Radio Pokemon Music

National Park

Dance Theater

Kimono Girl Encounter

Route 38

Radio Places & People

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Which one is your favorite?