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Age 29, Male

Sky Tower (ET Time Zone)

Joined on 4/8/14

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TheGamechanger's News

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Vs. Rival (Final)

Champion Battle Remix

Champion Battle - PokeRemixStudio

Champion Medley

May the Best Trainer Win! (VS Champion)

Dungeon Medley

Mt Moon

Pallet Town

Pallet Town Acapella

Pewter City

Pokemon Center/Pokemon Mart

Pokemon Tower

Pokemon Tower - GlitchxCity

Silph Co.

Silph Company (Black Moon Arrangement)

Team Rocket Hideout

Team Rocket Hideout - PokeRemixStudio

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Jessie & James Theme


Pikachu's Beach

Unknown Theme

Lavender Town (Beta)

Lavender Town's Theme

Lavender Town - GlitchxCity

Welcome to the World of Pokemon!

Vs. Wild Pokemon

Vs. Trainer

Vs. Trainer - GlitchxCity

Vs. Trainer - ToxicxEternity Metal Cover

Vs. Red Remix

Vs. Gym Leader / Elite Four

Vs. Gym Leader / Elite Four - ToxicxEternity Metal Cover

Gym Leader - Battle Primary True

Battle for the Badge [Vs. Gym Leader/Elite Four] (OC ReMix)

Battle Medley

Battle! Vs. Trainer (Orchestrated)

Trainer Battle (Remix)

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Icicle Forest

Proud Accomplishment

Vast Ice Mountain

Vast Ice Mountain Peak

Primal Dialga

In the Morning Sun

A New World

It's Not a Miracle

Thoughts for Friends

A Message on the Wind

Life Goes On! (Ending)

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

It Can't Be...

Defend Globe

Defend Globe (Ending)

Spring Cave (Remix of Magma Cavern)

Lower Spring Cave (Remix of Magma Cavern Pit)

Spring Cave Depths

Boss Battle!

Here Comes Team Charm!

Southern Jungle (Remix of Friend Area - Wilds)

Boulder Quarry (Remix of Mt. Steel)

Illusion Stone Chamber

Limestone Cavern

Deep Limestone Cavern

Team Charm's Theme

For a New Life

Barren Valley

Dark Wasteland

Spacial Cliffs

Dark Ice Mountain

Living Spirit

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Dark Crater

Deep Dark Crater

Battle Against Darkrai

Random Dungeon Theme 1

Random Dungeon Theme 2

Random Dungeon Theme 3

Marowak Dojo

Pelipper Island


Beyond the Dream

Air of Unease

Star Cave

Deep Star Cave

One for All, All for One!

Defy the Legends

Murky Forest (Remix of Tiny Woods)

A Fun Exploration

Fortune Ravine

Fortune Ravine Depths

Monster House!

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Sky Peak Forest

Sky Peak Cave (Remix of Buried Relic)

Sky Peak Prairie

Boss Battle!

Sky Peak Coast (Remix of Stormy Sea)

Sky Peak Snowfield

Sky Peak Final Pass

Boss Battle!

Blizzard Island (It's a remix of Mt. Freeze Peak, Sky Tower, Mt. Thunder, & Thunderwave Cave, in that order)

Surrounded Sea

Miracle Sea

Aegis Cave

Aegis Cave - GlitchxCity

Defy the Legends

Concealed Ruins

Mt. Travail

In the Nightmare

Spacial Rift

Deep Spacial Rift

Palkia's Onslaught!

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Dialga's Fight to the Finish! (Time & Darkness)

Primal Dialga (Sky)

Primal Dialga remix


Primal Dialga Remix - PokeRemixStudio

Primal Dialga - GlitchxCity

Primal Dialga V.II - GlitchxCity

Time Restored

Don't Ever Forget...

Have to Get Home

Farther Away...

A Wish For Peace

Memories Returned

Ending Theme Intro

Ending Theme

Epilogue Theme

Mystifying Forest

Grandmaster of All Things Bad Battle

Do Your Best, As Always! (Sharpedo Bluff)

Shaymin Village

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

The Power of Darkness

Treeshroud Forest

Brine Cave

Lower Brine Cave

Boss Battle!

Through the Sea of Time (Time & Darkness)

Hidden Land

Hidden Land Reorchestrated

Hidden Highland

Battle Against Dusknoir

Time Gear

Through the Sea of Time (Sky)

Through the Sea of Time - GlitchxCity

In the Hands of Fate

Temporal Tower (Time & Darkness)

Temporal Tower (Sky)

Temporal Tower - GlitchxCity

Temporal Spire

Temporal Pinnacle

Down a Dark Path

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 22nd, 2015

Monster House!

Rising Fear

Boss Battle!

Northern Desert

Quicksand Cave

Quicksand Pit

Boss Battle!

Crystal Cave

Crystal Crossing

Boss Battle!

At the End of the Day

In the Future

Planet's Paralysis

Chasm Cave

Dark Hill

Sealed Ruins

Deep Sealed Ruins

Boss Battle!

Dusk Forest

Deep Dusk Forest

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Which one is your favorite?