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Age 29, Male

Sky Tower (ET Time Zone)

Joined on 4/8/14

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TheGamechanger's News

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 15th, 2015

Indy's Very First Adventure

The Boat Scene

X Marks the Spot

Ah, Rats!!!

Escape from Venice

Journey to Austria

Father and Son Reunited

The Austrian Way

Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra


No Ticket

Keeping Up With the Joneses

Brother of the Cruciform Sword

On the Tank

Belly of the Steel Beast

The Canyon of the Crescent Moon

The Pentitant Man Will Pass

The Keeper of the Grail

Finale & End Credits

Indiana Jones Main Theme

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 15th, 2015

Children in Chains

The Temple of Doom

Short Round Escapes

Saving Willie

Slave Children's Crusade

Short Round Helps

The Mine Car Chase


The Sword Trick

The Broken Bridge/British Relief

End Credits

Indiana Jones Main Theme

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 15th, 2015

Indiana Jones Main Theme

Anything Goes

Indy Negotiates

The Nightclub Brawl

Fast Streets of Shanghai

Map/Out of Fuel

Slalom on Mt. Humol

Short Round's Theme

The Scroll/To Pankot Palace

Nocturnal Activities

Bug Tunnel/Death Trap

Approaching the Stones

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 15th, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 15th, 2015

Indy Rides the Statue

The Fist Fight/The Flying Wing

Desert Chase

Marion's Theme/The Crate

The German Sub

Ride to the Nazi Hideout

Indy Follows the Ark

The Miracle of the Ark

Washington Ending & Raiders March

Indiana Jones Main Theme

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 14th, 2015

The Raiders March (Indiana Jones Main Theme)

In the Jungle

The Idol Temple

Escape from the Temple

Flight From Peru

Washington's Men/Indy's Home

A Thought for Marion/To Nepal

The Medallion

Flight to Cairo

The Basket Game

Bad Dates

The Map Room: Dawn

Reunion in the Tent/Searching for the Well

The Well of the Souls

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 14th, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 14th, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 14th, 2015

Eric Saves Alan

Tree People

Nash Calling

Party Crasher

Pteranodon Habitat

Tiny Pecking Pteranodon

Billy Oblivion

Brachiosaurus On The Bank

Reaching for Glory

Underwater Attack

Spinosaurus Confrontation

River Reminiscence

Ambush and Rescue

The Hat Returns / End Titles

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 14th, 2015