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Age 29, Male

Sky Tower (ET Time Zone)

Joined on 4/8/14

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TheGamechanger's News

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Princess Leia's Theme

The Millennium Falcon/Imperial Cruiser Pursuit

Destruction of Alderaan

The Death Star/The Stormtroopers

Wookie Prisoner/Detention Block Ambush

Shootout in the Cell Bay/Dianoga

The Trash Compactor

The Tractor Beam/Chasm Crossfire

Ben Kenobi's Death/Tie Fighter Attack

The Battle of Yavin

The Throne Room/End Title

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Star Wars Main Theme (Full)

Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner

Imperial Attack

The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler

The Moisture Farm

Hologram/Binary Sunset

Landspeeder Search/Attack of the Sand People

Tales of a Jedi Knight/Learn about the Force

Burning Homestead

Mos Eisley Spaceport

Cantina Band

Cantina Band #2

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Goodbye Old Friend and Landing on Utapau

Sidious Revealed

Fighting The Count

Lament / Bail's Escape / "Swimming, Droids, and Yoda Farewell" / News of the Attack

I AM the Senate!

Rise Of The Empire/It Can't Be

Plans For The Twins/Padme's Funeral

March At The Jedi Temple And Execute Order 66

Padme's Visit

Anakin vs. Obi-Wan / Yoda Confronts Sidious

A New Hope And End Credits Part 1

A New Hope And End Credits Part 2

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Star Wars Main Theme (Full)

Star Wars/Revenge of the Sith

Anakin's Dream

Battle of the Heroes

Anakin's Betrayal

General Grievous

Palpatine's Teachings

Grievous and the Droids

Padme's Ruminations

Anakin vs. Obi-Wan

Anakin's Dark Deeds

Enter Lord Vader

The Immolation Scene

Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious

The Birth of the Twins/Padme's Destiny

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Main Theme (Full)

Main Title / Ambush on Coruscant

Across the Stars (Love Theme from Attack of the Clones)

Zam the Assassin and the Chase Through Coruscant Part 1

Zam the Assassin and the Chase Through Coruscant Part 2

Yoda and the Younglings

Departing Coruscant

Anakin and Padme'

Jango's Escape

The Meadow Picnic

Bounty Hunter's Pursuit

Return to Tatooine

The Tusken Camp/The Homestead

Love Pledge/The Arena

Confrontation with Dooku and Finale Part 1

Confrontation with Dooku and Finale Part 2

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015

Star Wars Main Theme (Full)

Star Wars Main Title / Arrival at Naboo

Duel of the Fates

Anakin's Theme

Jar Jar's Introduction/The Swim to Otoh Gunga

The Sith Spacecraft/The Droid Battle

The Trip to the Naboo Temple (Audience with Boss Nass)

The Arrival at Tatooine/The Flag Parade

He Is The Chosen One

Anakin Defeats Sebulba

Passage Through the Planet Core

Watto's Deal/Kids at Play

Panaka and the Queen's Protectors

Queen Amidala/The Naboo Palace

The Droid Invasion (Appearance of Darth Maul)

Qui-Gon's Noble End

The High Council Meeting/Qui-Gon's Funeral

Augie's Great Municipal Band/End Credits

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Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - January 11th, 2015