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TheGamechanger's News

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 11th, 2014

Open the Next Door

Count Bleck's Plan

Castle Bleck

O'Chunks, Warrior

Ready, GO!

Look out for Me

Butterfly Collecting (How many of you choose Mimi's Francis option for the fun of it?)

Francis Battle

Mimi the Copycat

I'm Not Nice

Dimentio, Charming Magician

Lineland Road

Merlee's Mansion

The Tile Pool

Outer Space

Gap of Crag

World of Nothing

The Underwhere

It's Showtime

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 10th, 2014

Open the Next Door

Count Bleck's Plan

Chapter 7 Intro

The Underwhere

River Twygz Bed (creepy enough for a nightmare to experience bad dreams)

And the Question Is...

Evil King Bowser Here

Bowser Battle

Underchomp Battle

Underchomp Battle (Echo)

Underchomp Defeated

Overthere Stair

An Unrivalled Battle

One Shot

Bonechill Appears

Bonechill Battle

Soft Light

Pure Heart Get

Overthere Shrine (This music appears after you've beaten Chapter 7, and Luvbi returns postgame!)

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 10th, 2014

Open the Next Door

Count Bleck's Plan

Chapter 6 Intro

Sammer's Kingdom

Battle Time

Mimi the Copycat

I'm Not Nice

Champion of Destruction

Destruction of the Sammer Kingdom

World of Nothing

Mr. L, Green Thunder!

Brobot L-Type Battle

Dimentio, Charming Magician

The Underwhere

River Twygz Bed (perhaps the most disturbing music to have ever been in a Nintendo game!)

The Road for the Lost

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 9th, 2014


Open the Next Door

Count Bleck's Plan

Chapter 5 Intro

The Floro Sapiens Appear

Gap of Crag

O'Chunks, Warrior

Ready, GO!

Dimentio, Charming Magician

Strange Company (Pixl Get)

Flint Craggley, Cragtrotter

Floro Sapien Caverns

Truck GO

An Unrivalled Battle

King Croacus Appears

King Croacus Battle

Soft Light

Pure Heart Get

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 8th, 2014

Open the Next Door

Count Bleck's Plan

Chapter 4 Intro

Outer Space (this theme would fit nicely in Super Mario Galaxy!)

Strange Company (Pixl Get)

Chapter Complete

And Then...And Then

Chapter Intro

An Unrivalled Battle

The Whoa Zone

Mr. L, Green Thunder! (there's some debate over whether or not this or the Brobot Battle theme is one of the 3 themes that get remixed ino the Ultimate Show)

A Powerful Enemy Emerges

Brobot Battle (there's some debate over whether or not this or the Mr. L theme is one of the 3 themes that get remixed into the Ultimate Show)

Soft Light

Pure Heart Get

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 7th, 2014

Open the Next Door

Count Bleck's Plan

Chapter 3 Intro

The Open Plane (the Dotwood Tree is a bit annoying, stupid Crazy Dayzees are driving ME crazy!)

Nostalgic Undeeground

An Unrivalled Battle

Evil King Bowser Here

Bowser Battle

Tile Pool

Strange Company (Pixl Get)

Big Blooper Appears

A Powerful Enemy Emerges

Dimentio, Charming Magician

It's Showtime (this is one of the 3 themes that get's remixed into the Ultimate Show)

Fort Francis

Butterfly Collecting (the geekiest and nerdiest character in video game history)


Francis Battle

Soft Light

Pure Heart Get

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 6th, 2014

Open the Next Door

Count Bleck's Plan

Chapter 2 Intro

Gloam Valley

Underground Room

Strange Company (Pixl Get)

An Unrivalled Battle

Chapter Complete

And Then...And Then

Outside Merlee's Mansion

Merlee's Mansion

Doopliss' New Girlfriend

Look Out For Me

One Shot

Fight Fight

And the Question Is...

Mimi Battle

Soft Light

Pure Heart Get

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 5th, 2014

Count Bleck's Plan

Chapter 1 Intro

Lineland Road (remix of multiple Mario Overworld themes)

Mario Gains the Flip Ability

Underground Room

An Unrivalled Battle

Chapter Complete

And Then...And Then

Mount Lineland / Yold Desert

Strange Company (Pixl Get)

O'Chunks, Warrior (He reminds me of Wario, smell-wise!)

Ready, GO!

Yold Ruins

Fracktail Appears

Fracktail Goes Missingno.

Soft Light

Pure Heart Get

In the Darkness

Memory 1

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 5th, 2014

Today's Story

The Wedding Begins (Bowser's dream-come-true, and Peach's nightmare!)

Wedding Waltz

Birth of the Chaos Heart (it's one of the 3 themes that gets remixed into the Ultimate Show)

Title Screen

Mario Bros. House

Evil King Bowser Here

The Evil Count Bleck


Pure Heart Fanfare

Open the Next Door

Which one is your favorite?

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 4th, 2014