Picture of his head and shoulders
Full Body Picture (TBA)
Series Mascot: Basically the face of my fanfiction.
Author Powers: Adverted with him and the rest of the Gamechanger variants. None of them are overpowered enough to ever have control of the universe they're in despite being a fanfiction written by one of them. That's because the multiverse that's involved in the fanfiction includes the real life universe that you live in.
Launcher of a Thousand Ships: There is no Official Couple, so you could pretty much ship him with any of the female playable characters. Discussed In-Universe since more than one of the female playable characters mentioned that they wouldn't mind sharing him. In case you're wondering, then no, this isn't the only character in my fanfiction who is designed to be a Launcher of a Thousand Ships.
Heroic Sacrifice: Twice.
The Hero Dies: He actually dies in his first heroic sacrifice.
Cool Ship: He lives in his dream home that can turn into a flying fortress.
Reincarnation: Of the original Gamechanger, which is me. However, he does not have the memories of his past lives, only "hunches".
Foil: To myself. Just like me he's slim, loves to have a good time, and a strong moral compass. He's a computer genius, while I have slighty above-average intelligence. He's a badass warrior on the battlefield, while I have never gotten into an actual fight in my life. I'm made out of pure human DNA, while he altered his own DNA with more than one species. I'm not yet physically impressive, while he is well toned.
Mr. Fanservice: During the beach scenes.
Final Boss: Of the playable character arena if you don't play as him in the playable character arena.
Boss Remix: He can only he fought in the playable character arena but his battle theme is available from the start to listen to on the jukebox.
Disney Death: His second heroic sacrifice makes it seem like he was Killed Off For Real, since he does not rejoin everyone for the Final Boss fight. That is, until....
The Slow Path/Took a Level In Badass/Big Damn Heroes: He survived his second heroic sacrifice by being sent back in time by 300 million years. He spent all that time training and honing his skills, and manages to bring a Class 7 (on the Super Weight scale) army upon reuniting with the rest of the playable characters just in time to stop the True Final Boss. Said Class 7 army is equal in power to the True Final Boss.