2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 2 of 11
Battle Zone: Antarctica
Music: Hell Frozen Over
The mighty Gyarados bellowed a fearsome battle cry as he bit a chunk off his opponent, using the momentum to bring both him and his opponent into the icy water.
However, his opponent would not be beaten so easily, as all that did was anger the fire elemental until he was literally boiling hot, erupting them both from the water.
As the steam settled, a searing cold whiteout swept in, immediately freezing over the water, trapping the lower half of the Gyarados in ice.
In a last-ditch effort to win, the Gyarados used the last of his spare energy to unleash a massive Hyper Beam at his foe. His enemy responded with an equally powerful beam of flames that met the Hyper Beam head-on.
The two energy attacks quickly melted the surrounding landscape, but both fighters were too busy fighting to care.
Both of them increased the power of their energy attack to try to overtake the other, but eventually one had to lose.
Finally one of them overtook the over and the losing opponent was completely vaporised.
The mighty has fallen.
Eh, well. Whatevs.
Congratulations @Omega88X
I will have my revenge.