Way to ruin the bet lol.I think I know who is going to win.
HELP! I'm trapped in the dialogue box you're currently reading and can't get out!
Age 30, Male
Sky Tower (ET Time Zone)
Joined on 4/8/14
Way to ruin the bet lol.I think I know who is going to win.
Day 5
Fallen Tributes part 1
Fallen Tributes part 2
Xiao Xiao.
Someone's going home...
Night 5
It's him,isn't it?
Can you go with The Guy as your User Icon? You'll have his powers.
Day 6
Fallen Tributes
The Winner
Summary part 1
Summary part 2
I knew it and I told you the guy was op,he got 5 kills.
I will later..for now I'll just use Vader.
Well, we're in hell since we both got killed.
We seems to be at a crossroads.
There's a sign here full of directions that says:
Satan's Treasure Hoard
Macabre Maze Mansion
Supervillain Supermall
Hell's Las Vegas
New Arrivals
Heavily Guarded Portal to the World of the Living
Satan's Palace
The Living Labyrinth
Sin Co. Labs
Onslaught Ocean
Mithril Mines
Desert of Despair
Voracious Valley
Stephen King's Place
Ruins of R'lyeh
*sees something completely different* Have you forgot about my head injury? We still need bandages to cover it up.
*Busts Irus-Strict's head open and performs surgery on his head without any painkillers, fixing the damage to his head in the process*
There, problem solved.
I feel better already. *I reload my plasma rifle,put my Darth Vader costume on.* Now I'm ready to kick some ass.
Since we're still at the crossroads, which way do you want to go?
It confuses me...you choose.
Satan's Treasure Hoard it is!
Well if it isn't the black knight wanting revenge. He's out first opponent..let's take him out in style. All his limbs are missing too.
*My arm turns into a laser cannon and kamehamehas Black Knight to dust*
Watch out..I see red rocks being thrown at us. * I take the rocks and crush them with my fist*.
Those rocks are just Demon poop.
This isn't time for jokes.It's pretty hot in here too..with all this lava around.
Unfortunately I wasn't joking....
Watch your step....
Hey, it's Hellboy! Let's try to recruit him!
*Sparta kicks Hellboy into Lava*
I can see smiling sperm units walking around.Are these friendly?
I said recruit him, not kill him! Besides, no one can actually die in hell since they're already dead to begin with, they'll just regenerate!
*Hits you across the face with a wooden bat covered in spikes* You can't defeat the dark side of the force so don't even bother.
I can't defeat the dark side, but that doesn't mean that I can't control it either!
*teleports Irus-Strict to the Supervillain Supermall*
Now I can have all the treasure for myself!
Suck my robot balls. *teleports back then removes your arm with a lightsaber*.
Oh, it's only a flesh wound. *instantly grows back my arm*
It's best that you don't know just how many powers I have, considering that I have the DNA of several different species in me. I'm like Cell from Dragon Ball, but more mysterious. Even I don't know how many species are part of me!
Besides, to get out of hell, apparently one of the requirements is to have 10 of the people who died in the Hunger Games join our adventure.
Anyways, we've finally arrived at Satan's Treasure Hoard.
The entrance is locked with some sort of video game. How good are you at Tetris?
Not so fast..so why don't you stick these powers up your ass? It's me or you! *shoots the gamechanger with plasma rifle making a hole in his body*
*easily regenerates quicker than Irus-Strict can harm me*
*Using my powers, I immobilize Irus-Strict with the power of gravity and proceed to strip him of all of his powers, rendering him weak. I also destroy the weapons his has.*
Damn, you sound tight...maybe this will relax you....
*pulls down Irus-Strict's pants and I summon a hot chick*
Go crazy with her.
*shoves a dildo up her ass*..I'm not done..*gets back all my powers then stabs you with a syringe that removes all powers a person has* Now you're on the ground begging for mercy..then I grab a sword and cut your head off teleporting out of hell and back to the UFO then I fuck some babes and then get bored..I decide to revive you and you're more powerful then ever.
*teleports myself back to Hell*
[ChaingunSnake has entered the room]. So what are you gentlemen up to?
@Irus-Strict is my intel in the world of the living. I willingly sent myself to Hell because I overheard some notable villains at the villain convention planning on breaking out of Hell and taking over the world on Christmas. And it sounds like they have several backup plans, as they've been planning this for a long time since they're in Hell they don't have anything better to do. It seems that they have more than one doomsday device ready.
I'm joining.Let's see how this turns out,so now what?
We need backup to combat the villains when they escape. It'll be anti-climatic if we stop them now.
We must recruit some of the biggest badasses in fiction to have any hope of defeating them.
I'll recruit badasses..alright?
*Spawns Clint Eastwood,Bruce Lee,Darth Vader,Optimus Prime,Goku,Superman,Kratos.
We need more badasses. To do so we must travel to their respective universes.
How about Asura from Asura's Wrath? Since he died due to the thing that powered him being gone (spoilers), he's probably somewhere in Hell. I'll go look for him...
*Finds him collecting rocks* *Dismembers his head then passes it to you*. Let's play Basketball.
Asura is a good guy, not a bad guy, so he was on my list of people to NOT harm.
"I want to play a game." You and I bet on who we think is gonna win and if he does then the winner of this bet is the leader of our adventures in hell meaning decides what we do and where we go,Deal?
TheGamechanger (Updated )
I actually already know who's going to win since I completed the entire thing yesterday while you were gone. I'm not going to tell you who wins due to spoilers.
It's time for the Feast! (Unfortunately the Arena event never happens)
Feast part 1
Feast part 2
And now we're in the Top 3.