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Age 29, Male

Sky Tower (ET Time Zone)

Joined on 4/8/14

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TheGamechanger's News

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 2nd, 2014

One of the few cryptids that's no longer officially a cryptid, it's still a mystery as to why giant wild pigs are occurring.


Back to the Cryptids of the World Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 1st, 2014

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 1st, 2014

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 1st, 2014

FAQ About My Archives

How To be An Assistant For The Video Game Music Archive


My Video Game Music Philosophy: If a game has music, then its highly likely that the soundtrack is already on YouTube or someone's currently trying to upload it.

And yes, the Video Game Music Archive is indeed my main archive.


Some of the music would make great exercise work-out themes! And if you're wondering, then yes, I would actually archive my own game music once I finally make some, complete with 10-hour extensions on YouTube.


IMPORTANT TIP: You can endlessly loop any of the music here by quickly double-right clicking on a video and selecting the "loop" option. That way the video will automatically keep replaying itself forever while you don't have to click the replay button. You can try this out on any YouTube video.


My Video Game Music "To-Do" List:

1.) Currently random.

Video Game Archive Section A

Video Game Archive Section B

Video Game Archive Section C

Video Game Archive Section D


My Guide To Battle Music

My Smash Bros. Fanfiction


Internet Parodies

What I'm Made Of


If you love game music:

= Club Stoic =


Other Archives:

The Random Adventures of TheGamechanger

Fanfics I Like

Top 10's

NG Hunger Games/IntaHungerGames -Enter Whoever Archive

My Social Medal Rankings

The Evil Overlord List

Classical Music

Awesome YouTube Videos Selections

Online Games I Like That Aren't On Newgrounds

My Newgrounds Anniversaries

Hunger Games Crossovers

The Movie & TV Show Archive

The User Icon Battle Archive

Mysteries of the World Archive

Cryptids of the World Archive

The ScrewAttack! Death Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 1st, 2014

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 30th, 2014

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 30th, 2014



The watermarked video below has been on YouTube for almost 2 years, and unfortunately it's the highest-quality version of it on YouTube.


Back to the Cryptids of the World Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 30th, 2014

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 30th, 2014

Posted by TheGamechanger - November 30th, 2014