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TheGamechanger's News

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 8 of 11

@omega88x vs @Sectus

Battle Zone: Final Destination

Music: Final Destination Ver. 2


Darth Sectus force-chokes omega88x, demanding that he submits to him.

...then a Smash Ball randomly falls on omega88x....


omega88x breaks free from Darth Sectus's control and unleashes his Final Smash: Elemental Inferno!

Under the effects of the Final Smash, omega88x creates a malestrom of fire, electricity, and sharp rocks that engulfs Darth Sectus, catching him completely off-guard and impaling and incinerating him simultaneously.


User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 7 of 11

@DamnedByFate vs @poopmcfarts

Battle Zone: Heaven

Music: Nail of the Heavens


DamnedByFate unsheathed his swords and proceeed to do a fatal double P#n0r attack on poopmcfarts.

Not satisfied with the bloodshed, DamnedByFate then proceeds to wage war against God.

God, not amused by this, tries to smite DamnedByFate by crushing him with His hands.

However, DamnedByFate proved much more resilent than he looks by not only surviving the crushing blowing out of pure rage, he then proceeds to weaponise his own rage to activate his new Deity-defier forme.

With his new forme in hand, DamnedByFate slays God and becomes the new ruler of Heaven.


User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 6 of 11

@omega88x vs @Lionelion

Battle Zone: Dragon Ball Z

Music: Super Mario Bros. Z Mecha Sonic Battle Theme


Riding a blood-stained Warp Star, Lionelion faces off against omega88x in the countryside.

Suddenly, Cell appears and flash-steps behind Kirby before he could attempt to inhale Cell.  Cell then jabs his tail into Lionelion and completely absorbs him.

Cell summons several Cell Jrs and charges up an enormous kamehameha.

The Cell Jrs try to zerg rush omega88x, but he backhands them all unconscious.

omega88x summons a massive hurricane of fire that engulfs both him and Cell, and they both unleash massive kamehamehas at each other.

The landscape starts to erupt with lava from the incredible stress that the kamehamehas are having on the atmosphere.  omega88x releases all of his pent up frustration and achieves a new forme.

Using this new forme, omega88x's power level went over 9000 as he overpowered Cell by supercharging his kamehameha to overwhelm Cell, completely annihilating him.


Fun fact: Mecha Sonic of SMBZ's personality is based on Cell.


User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 5 of 11


Battle Zone: Doctor Who

Music: Doctor Who Theme


Darth Sectus convinces Doctor Who that he's the good guy by using the Force to persuade him and they team up on Snapple the Frog and the Muppets by leaving them to die at the hands of the Daleks.


User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 4 of 11

@poopmcfarts vs @SillyBeans

Battle Zone: Syfy Original Movie

Music: The Great Mighty Poo


A sharknado hits the portable toilets, sending both combatants into the air.

One survives by brabbing hold of a shark and using his toilet seat to beat it into submission.  The other was eaten by a shark, and then the shark drowned from the excrement.





The shit hit the fan in that fight


User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 3 of 11

@Lionelion vs @ZJ

Battle Zone: Dream Land

Music: Dan's Theme


Lionelion decapitated ZJ with the Warp Star, clocking in at 90 miles per hour



User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 2 of 11

@Radaketor vs @omega88x

Battle Zone: Antarctica

Music: Hell Frozen Over

The mighty Gyarados bellowed a fearsome battle cry as he bit a chunk off his opponent, using the momentum to bring both him and his opponent into the icy water.

However, his opponent would not be beaten so easily, as all that did was anger the fire elemental until he was literally boiling hot, erupting them both from the water.

As the steam settled, a searing cold whiteout swept in, immediately freezing over the water, trapping the lower half of the Gyarados in ice.

In a last-ditch effort to win, the Gyarados used the last of his spare energy to unleash a massive Hyper Beam at his foe.  His enemy responded with an equally powerful beam of flames that met the Hyper Beam head-on.

The two energy attacks quickly melted the surrounding landscape, but both fighters were too busy fighting to care.

Both of them increased the power of their energy attack to try to overtake the other, but eventually one had to lose.

Finally one of them overtook the over and the losing opponent was completely vaporised.





The mighty has fallen.


User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

2nd Annual NG User Icon Battle Conclusion Part 1 of 11

@SNAPCRACKLEANDPOP2 vs @Yurgenburgen

Battle Zone: Rainbow Road

Music: Mario Kart 8 Rainbow Road


Yurgie and Snapple rev up their engines, both knowing that it may be their final race.  The light turned green and both roared off.

The race was moving smoothly, they were neck-to-neck, both trying to play dirty.

Then, two blue shells came and knocked one of them off the track, plunging into the depths below.

The other blue shell also hit the remaining user icon battler, but he managed to right himself just in time.

Who used the blue shells?  The winner of the user icon battle crossed the finish line and saw Bowser waving at him, giving the winner a thumbs up.







Rest in peace, see ya next year.


User Icon Battle Archive

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 31st, 2015

Posted by TheGamechanger - December 28th, 2015